Charibag helps support the Sheffield Lord Mayor's Flood Appeal Fund

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Here in South Yorkshire so many families have been devastated by recent floods. Many are still homeless as their homes are uninhabitable.

Chariband, who raise funds for a number of charities in this region, will be donating 25p of the sale of each Charibag sold to the Lord Mayor's Flood Appeal funds. This fund will be used to help local flood victims rebuild their lives and homes after this terrible event.

A wide range of bags are available, from reusable shoppers in many colours, to student bags and even child school bags. A new range will also be released on Friday 27th of July at Crystal Peaks shopping centre in Sheffield. Charibags are available to purchase online, and cost as little as £2!

Why not head on over to Chariband now to see the full range? Not only will you be getting a great new bag, you'll be helping a very worthy cause!

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