Adding social bookmark buttons to my Blogger templates

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Of course I want to promote my blog! Who doesn't? Well, after reading Seth's guide to increasing blog traffic, I realised that "social bookmarking" is one way to help me gain more readers.

Adding links in the sidebar of my Blogger blog was simple enough, but I also wanted to have a bookmarklet link at the end of every post, and had many troubles finding a good solution for this.

Eventually (after much trial and error!), I found this site which has a nifty button generator and easy installation instructions for inserting the correct code into your blog template. As you can see, I now have a button at the end of my posts which links to most social-bookmarking sites, so you readers can add my posts to your favorite sites.

If you like my posts, that is...

Fancy doing this to your own blog posts? Then visit Add This! and create your own button. Then edit the HTML in your template (be sure to tick the "expand widget templates" box) and add the appropriate code below the div class="'post-footer'" line. Preview before saving to ensure everything looks okay.

My advice is to add below the line: p class="'post-footer-line" as it makes things look a little neater overall! Simple, eh?

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