How to use lemons to help get the housework done super-fast!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

My sister-in-law has a lemon tree growing in her garden, and has taught me some wonderful things you can do with lemons around the home:
  • For washing up, fill the bowl with hot water, a dash of soap-powder and half a lemon. Wash in this solution and rinse with clean water. This will clean the dishes much better than any branded washing-up liquid, and makes glass gleam!
  • Soak burnt pans in the above solution, then finish with a scouring sponge to restore them almost to new.
  • The lemon-soap solution is great for cutting grease and grime on walls and surfaces too.
  • Use half a lemon dipped in salt to clean chopping boards.
  • To make the kitchen smell wonderful, place lemon peel on a baking tray and bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees farenheight for 20 minutes.

Please feel free to post your ideas for using lemons in the home. I love to discover new ways to use my favorite fruit!

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